Navigating Specle

Modified on Tue, 2 Jan, 2024 at 11:29 AM

Once logged in, you can find the Main Page, where you will have access to your "Bookings", "My Ad Deliveries", "My Invoices", and "My Settings". You will also see the search bar to enter and locate titles/ad specifications, and below are links to the most popular publishers.


All PADN/AdSync bookings can be found on this page. This will offer users access to booking data, including insertion dates, URNs, sizes and publication details. If your email address is assigned to the booking, you can find and upload to the booking via this page. 

To find out more, go to our Bookings Guidelines


My Ad Deliveries

This page will show all adverts you have uploaded to Specle. These can be filtered by digital and print and are identified with a Specle ID (seven-digit number beginning with a 1).


My Invoices

All transactions made on Specle will be viewable on this page. This is organised by Invoiced, Being Invoiced, and Not Yet Invoiced. Each invoice will have a unique invoice number, with a breakdown of all services used. 

To find out more, go to our My Transactions article. 

My Settings

Here, users can access all account settings: add users, suspend users, change account details, and manage credit card details.